In the Gurfat Mubarak, Huzurala TUS most graciously launched the website of Anjuman e Najmi on 5th Zilhaj al-Haraam 1422H (Sunday 17th February 2002).

The website was revamped and a new version was pushed live on the Urus Mubarak of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (RA) on 15th Zilhaj al-Haraam 1429H (Friday 12th December 2008)

The current website was revamped and a new version was pushed live on the Urus Mubarak of Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin Saheb on 27th Shavwal ul-Mukarram 1436H (Wednesday 12th August 2015)

President: Janab Kinana bs Muder bs